Monday, September 15

PS4RS Courtesy Announcement for Response to President Barron


PS4RS is pleased to share the following information as a courtesy to our members.    

March 4 Truth’s  Request to President Barron
Last week, Dr. Barron opened the line of communication between the PSU leadership and the PSU family with his statement encouraging civility among the Penn State community. (M4T)  is cordially asking him to maintain this respect, a core value of PSU, and grant our request of holding Louis Freeh to his promise to meet with PSU to discuss his report. 
M4T believes that discussion and debate on the merits of the report is long overdue and that PSU has suffered undue harm because the report was judged on the reputation of its author – and not on its contents.
Now, it is time for the author to answer serious questions about the report’s findings and shortcomings.

M4T is taking out a full page ad this Friday, September 19, 2014 You can read the letter to Dr. Barron at  You can also sign your name to be included as a supporter of the ad. The goal is 1000 names but certainly we can top that!

In fact, additional ad space will be purchased to make room for more names if needed.  So please, sign up today!

Thank you for your support!

Eileen Morgan & Ray 

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